Lecture on The Secrets Of Tathāgata: On The Tathāgataguhyasūtra
November 24, 2022. Sugata Buddhist College has been conducting its lecture series program with a view to gaining knowledge from the Buddhist scholars, practitioners and experts of various Buddhist fields. Today (November 24, 2022), Dr. Alexander O Niel gave his valuable presentation on Tathagataguyaka Sutra on the lecture series program (No.3) in the premise of Sugata Buddhist College. Tathagataguhyaka Sutra (now replaced with Guhyasamaja Tantra) is one of the nine Vaipulyas of the Dharma Mandala of Newar Buddhism. He briefly did a skillful content analysis of Tathagataguhya Sutra which he himself has translated from Chinese. At the end of his speech, he suggested that the Tathagataguhyaka Sutra should be translated into Nepal Bhasa so that the Newar Buddhist may gain understanding of what is written in Tathagataguhyaka sutra which originally forms a part of Nava Vaipulya.
Following his presentation, Mr. Pushpa Raj Bajracharya, Sanskrit Language Instructor of Sugata Buddhist College, expressed his own thoughtful opinion about the Tathagataguhyaka Sutra, doing a brief comparative analysis of various texts with the same title. Mr. Shanta Shree Ratna Bajracharya, lecturer of Sanskrit Buddhist Literature during his short talk, informed everybody present about Tathagatagujyaka sutra as a part of the course of the college while claiming that he himself owns the manuscript bearing the same title in Sanskrit. Similarly Mr. Suman Shakya, a Buddhist practitioner, singer and Chinese guide himself briefly introduced Vajrapani who is an interlocutor in the text.
Lastly the program concluded with hand over of felicitation certificate to the lecturer by the Acting Principal Ms. Sunita Bajracharya and a vote of thanks by Mr. Purna Man Chitrakar, Acting Chairman of Nepal Bauddha Parishad. More than 30 people including students of the college participated in the program.