Visit of Dr. Miroj Shakya
On 03 August 2022, Wednesday, Sugata Buddhist College received a guest Dr. Miroj Shakya, Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Religious Studies at University of the West, Rosemead, California, USA.
Having interest in research in various scripts, literatures and languages related to Buddhist studies, he has studied Sanskrit Language/ Literature, Pali Language, Buddhist canon, Indian Mahayana Buddhism, Newar Buddhism and Hinduism. He is considered as a successful scholar in International level from Nepal who has achieved the position as Chairperson in the renown Institute – University of West in the very young age.
His interest in the Mahayana Buddhism brough him to Sugata Buddhist College while he was in visit with his family in Nepal. His visit for Sugata Buddhist College can be considered important as he shared his experience in University of West and Buddhist Studies. During his visit, he went through the Syllabus been followed in Sugata Buddhist College for Master’s Degree in Mahayana Buddhism, which he found very interesting and important as the course here covered overall Buddhism stream from History, Culture, Scripts, literatures, moreover Philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism.
Having his long and successful experience in University of West and other countries during his studies, he prescribed few tips and tricks for Sugata Buddhist College, which the college management has well noted and agreed to take care of the issues as far as possible.
His visit has opened up way to further study in University of West, California after completion of Masters In Arts (Mahayana Buddhism). The visit has been considered as fruitful for Sugata Buddhist College as his advice and experience were shared for the betterment of the college.
We, Sugata Buddhist College is delighted to have such scholar at our place, which would open the path through another step of success. We would like to heartily thank Dr. Shakya for his approach towards our college and his best wishes to it. He has even opened up the possibility of further study at University of West for the passed-out students from SBC.